A short list of reasons that atheists don't believe in god

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We asked the Atheism United Facebook Community to provide us with a sentence on why they don't believe in god. The overwhelming answer provided was "lack of evidence" or a variation of that answer. Here is an assortment on some of the answers provided:

1. It's BS.
2. Science.
3. I just don't.
4. Zero proof.
5. Common sense.
6. Lack of evidence.
7. Because I'm smart.
8. Lack of plausibility.
9. God is not necessary.
10. He’s absent too often.
11. Because I have morals.
12. Because it doesn't exist.
13. Because I have a brain 🧠
14. Because it's a dumb idea.
15. I believe in myself instead.
16. What is there to believe in?
17. Because I'm not delusional.
18. Because I'm non-delusional.
19. I don’t believe in fairy tales.
20. Way too many contradictions.
21. Love does not require a deity.
22. It's an insult to my intelligence...
23. In reality, there's no such thing.
24. Three words. Lack Of Evidence.
25. Because it is such a preposterous idea.
26. Invisible man in the sky. Seriously?
27. There's no evidence that gods exist.
28. I believe that a fairy tale is just a fairy tale.
29. Too much “dangling a carrot“ for my liking.
30. 'Cause it does not exist! As simple as that.
31. Have your all-powerful God sit in this chair.
32. The same reason you don't believe in Thor.
33. Because it does not exist except as an idea!
34. We created God, he only exists in the human brain.
35. After my long coma it became clear. I was a foolish theist.
36. Multiple invented gods show that all religions are delusional.
37. Because a god hasn't been shown or demonstrated to exist.
38. I don’t believe in god, for the same reason I don’t believe in Santa.
39. The religious were unsuccessful with their brainwashing techniques.
40. Useless, good for nothing, and incompetent because it doesn't exist.
41. Gods were made up to explain mysteries that science hadn't yet explained.
42. Because I have critical thinking skills and no need to rely on fairy tales.
43. Because I have no feeling for (let alone belief in) anything supernatural.
44. For the same reason I don't believe in Santa Claus and the Easter Bunny.
45. I stopped believing in fairy tales far too late and I’m not going to start again.
46. That's not up to me. The burden of proof lies with the person making the claim.
47. Because religion was invented when the first conman met the first gullible fool.
48. There is not sufficient evidence to warrant the belief that any god or gods exist in reality.
49. Because it's people's make-believe emotions and fears and desire to make it to happyland.
50. Reason, logical questioning, and for some reason, an all-powerful god can't talk for himself.
51. I don't explain why I don't believe in fairy tales, but I would guess it's because I'm not insane.
52. Just because we can't explain our existence doesn't give us the right to make stuff up to try and explain it.
53. We have stories of so many different gods in different eras and areas, which helps prove their human origins.
54. Where was God before organized religion 12,000 years ago, never mind 5.5 billion years or 17.5 billion years?